Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for BriteSky

BriteSky is a social media app that allows users to post text-based content. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our users and have implemented security measures to ensure that the personal information we collect is kept safe and secure. This privacy policy explains what personal information we collect, how we use it, and how we protect it.

  1. Personal Information We Collect

     We collect the following personal information from our users:

  • Username
  • Email address
  • Interests
  • Users following
  • Account creation date
  • User-created bio
  • Emoji profile picture
  • Posts liked
  • Posts shared
  • Profile views
  1. How We Collect Personal Information

We collect personal information directly from users through user input.

  1. How We Use Personal Information

We use personal information strictly for app functionality, such as providing users with personalized content, allowing them to view and interact with other users’ content, and calculating an “impact score” for posts based on it’s engagement by users.

  1. Sharing of Personal Information

We do not share any personal information with third parties.

  1. Security of Personal Information

We take the security of our users’ personal information seriously. All personal information is stored on secure servers and protected with security rules. The email address is private and not exposed in the database and is only used for authentication. The interests and users following are both protected by security rules to ensure that only the user can have access to them. Posts liked, posts shared, and profile views are hashed with the SHA-256 hash algorithm, and nobody has access to this information except the server in order to prevent abuse of the impact score.

  1. Modifying or Deleting Personal Information

Users have full control to delete any posts they create, and at any time can delete their account and all the subsequent information associated with it. This can all be done in the app.

  1. Age Restrictions

Our app is intended for use by people over the age of 12.

  1. Use of Cookies

We do not use cookies in our app.

  1. Other Information

None of the user data collected is shared and everything is protected with security rules. All the data stored is strictly used for app functionality.

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